How to Get Involved
1. Make a donation. Checks are gratefully received at Friends of Reston, 12001 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston VA 20191. You can also donate online with a credit card or PayPal account.
2. Volunteer at Friends of Reston events.
3. Donate in-kind materials or services.
5. Partner with us on a new community project. We want to hear from people who have great ideas for Reston’s recreational areas and natural areas, and are willing to donate time and/or money to help make it happen. We love Reston and we know you do, too. Contact Ha@reston.org .
Attend a Meeting
Friends of Reston's Board of Directors Meetings are open to the public. If you would like to attend to learn more about our organization, please contact friendsofreston@gmail.com for meeting details. Regular meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month. However, the Board may amend meeting dates.