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How to Get Involved

1. Make a donation. Checks are gratefully received at Friends of Reston, 12001 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston VA 20191. You can also donate online with a credit card or PayPal account.

2. Volunteer at Friends of Reston events. 

3. Donate in-kind materials or services.

5. Partner with us on a new community project. We want to hear from people who have great ideas for Reston’s recreational areas and natural areas,  and are willing to donate time and/or money to help make it happen. We love Reston and we know you do, too. Contact .

Attend a Meeting

Friends of Reston's Board of Directors Meetings are open to the public. If you would like to attend to learn more about our organization, please contact for meeting details. Regular meetings are typically held on the third Tuesday of each month. However, the Board may amend meeting dates. 

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